Greenidge Bitcoin Fracked Gas Power Plant
Action Toolkit
Call Cuomo
"Our planet is in crisis. By every metric it is clear: Sea levels are rising; ice caps are shrinking. California is burning, the Arctic is melting and deserts are flooding.” – Governor Andrew Cuomo, 2021 State of the State Address
Governor Cuomo signed into law the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act in 2019, designed to protect our communities and ensure a sustainable future.
Why then, would Governor Cuomo allow Greenidge’s inefficient gas-powered plant to expand on Seneca Lake? Why would WE allow it?
Don’t let this private Bitcoin operation burn more fossil fuels and emit more GHGs in a community that depends on fresh air and clean water for their personal health and for the health of their vibrant agricultural tourist economy. CALL CUOMO TODAY AND ASK HIM TO DENY GREENIDGE’S BITCOIN EXPANSION ON SENECA LAKE: 518-474-8390.
There’s about as much scientific consensus on human-caused climate change as there is about gravity. We can’t let Governor Cuomo—who is a climate leader-- allow this stain on the Finger Lakes region.
Town of Torrey
The small Town of Torrey, nestled along Seneca Lake in Yates County, is about to decide whether or not to allow an inefficient fossil-fuel burning plant to expand for private Bitcoin use. The county itself has rejected it, but now it’s up to the Town to decide. Will they make the right choice? The expansion would mean noise that would travel across Seneca Lake, hot water discharges of 134 million gallons into Seneca Lake every day, and more greenhouse gas emissions. The hot water would not only harm aquatic life, but increase the incidents of Harmful Algal Blooms- a toxin to both humans and pets- in Seneca Lake. The greenhouse gas emissions can not only cause respiratory illness, premature deaths, and increased healthcare costs that limit our region’s progress and success, but also increase the negative impacts of climate change. The effects of this expansion go far beyond the Town of Torrey’s borders, and we must urge them to make the right decision. The FLX relies on its peaceful, bucolic qualities- and its clean air and water - for its vibrant agricultural and tourist economy.
Thank you for DOING ALL YOU CAN!
1 Email the Schuyler County Legislature:
Ask them to approve a resolution that’s up for a vote at their April 12th meeting. The resolution asks the DEC to require bitcoin mining be produced from renewable energy and not fossil fuels. Request that your email be shared with all legislators and be entered into the minutes of the meeting. (Send your email to )
2. Email the Town of Torrey Board before April 13th
Ask them to adopt a temporary moratorium on bitcoin mining and in your email ask that this be shared with the Planning Board and entered into the minutes of the meeting. Share your own reasons why you are concerned. ( )
3. Contact the Town of Torrey Planning Board before their meeting to review the Greenidge site plan for the bitcoin mining expansion on April 26th. Ask them to take a "hard look" at possible adverse impacts to our community, Seneca Lake and the Keuka Outlet before making any decisions. Ask that this be shared with the Town Board and entered into the minutes of the meeting. ( )
4. Ask the Village of Watkins Glen before April 20th to pass a resolution echoing Schuyler County's resolution on Cryptocurrency mining. Remind them that they have passed resolutions in support of other regional issues like the landfill in Seneca Falls, and a Finger Lakes National Heritage Designation; and failure to show concern about Greenidge is contraindicatory to their commitment to care for Seneca Lake and the region.
5. Ask your town, village, city government to pass a resolution opposing bitcoin mining until more information can be gathered on all of the impacts (noise, air, water pollution...). Have them send a copy of their resolution to the Town of Torrey ( ) and Governor Cuomo.
6. Call Governor Cuomo: (518)-474-8390. Tell him that unregulated “behind the meter'' Bitcoin operations completely evade his Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), and that he must do everything in his power to stop the Greenidge facility on Seneca Lake, including directing his DEC to hold an adjudicatory hearing to fully evaluate the issues. Tell him that the Title V permit for the Greenidge Generating Station in Dresden, New York (“Greenidge”) is up for renewal. Urge Cuomo to direct the DEC to scrutinize the permit – namely, to reject any version of this permit that will allow increased emissions of greenhouse gases (“GHGs”) and that will not reverse the current and troubling trend of increasing GHG emissions. Encourage him to comprehensively address this looming threat to CLCPA compliance, rather than leaving it to town-by-town fights.
7. Ask your state legislator to work on laws to regulate Bitcoin mining in NY.
8. Ask your state senator to work on laws that federally regulate Bitcoin Mining in the US.
9. Ask your town, village, city government to pass zoning regulations to protect your community from Bitcoin operations
10. Share these action items with your groups, friends, anyone who loves Seneca Lake, the Finger Lakes, New York, the Climate, or the planet!
*** FOR BONUS POINTS: Please make a donation to Seneca Lake Guardian in any amount to support our efforts. We're an all-volunteer organization and our work costs money.